M.S. in Computer Information Technology
B.S. in Computer Information Technology
Purdue University - Graduate Research Assistant
June 2021 - Present
- Collaborated with 6 teammates to build the remote agriculture harvest system using Java
- Developed the backend of RESTful API with Spring Boot and managed the MySQL database and collaborate it with Spring Data JPA, Applied JSON for front/back-end Communication
- Implemented the frontend with React.js and Bootstrap to provide access to configure and launch the system
- Decreased video streaming latency from 2000ms to 100ms by using WebRTC protocol instead of RTSP
- Tested backend application with unit and integration testing by using Spock framework in groovy
Note: I think these sections are silly, but everyone seems to have one. Here is a *mostly* honest overview of my skills.
Selected Courses
CME 212:
Advanced Programming
CME 305:
Discrete Mathematics and Algorithms
CS 224d:
Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing
CS 229:
Machine Learning
CS 231n:
Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
EE 364a:
Convex Optimization
CS 250:
Data Structures
CSE 442:
Software Engineering Concepts